Here is How Future Moon Base Will Look Like, This Images Are Generated by AI

by Imran Sayyad

Image by Midjourney

There will be communication towers like antenna to communicate in deep space.

Image by Midjourney

Some astronauts will live in iglu like chambers called as "Moon Huts."

Image by Midjourney

In the future, nuclear reactors will be installed on the moon's surface to generate power.

Image by Midjourney

Moon Huts will be distributed over large area to conduct researches.

Image by Midjourney

There will be sci-fi like command and communication center on Moon.

Image by Midjourney

Moon home contruction will be job just like we have on earth here.

Image by Midjourney

There will be a museum of memorial artefacts and equipment to tell our story.

Image by Midjourney

Want to know how these images are generated on Midjourney AI?

Image by Midjourney